huîtres L'Oléronaise

Are Oysters Good for You?

Oysters are Gems on a Plate

Ever wonder if oysters are good for you? The answer is a resounding YES! Find out what makes oysters a superfood. A good way to describe oysters is “culinary medicine” because they are a food that provides the benefits of natural healing.
Oysters are actually antioxidants since they boost the immune system and protect our cardiovascular system. Plus, they are a great source of vitamins and minerals.

huitre bon pour la santé

Oysters are good for you

Packed with Minerals and Low in Calories

There are only 42.1 calories in 100 g of oysters. Compare that to the 241 calories in a meat steak! Low-cal oysters are healthy for you, and they are packed with an element that every muscle needs: protein. Not to mention they contain minerals that our bodies need to function. You can eat oysters to your heart’s content, but watch the calories when it comes to the bread and butter that are usually served on the side.

Oysters for a Healthier Immune System

There’s been a lot of talk lately about adding vitamin D and zinc to our diets. Oysters have tons of vitamin D and they also contain selenium, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mineral. Just 100 g of oysters is all adults need to reach their daily allowance of copper—and triple their allowance of zinc.
Interesting fact: When older adults add marine shellfish to their diets, they produce more white blood cells to fight off infections.

huitres bon pour la santé

The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Mais, ce n’est pas tout ! L’huître est composée de deux acides gras (acides eicosapentaénoïque et docosahexaénoïque) de la famille des Oméga 3.  Ces éléments sont bons pour la santé car ils ont des bienfaits sur le système cardiovasculaire. Ainsi, manger des huîtres réduit :
  • la tension artérielle
  • les triglycérides sanguins
  • la formation de caillots sanguins
  • les états dépressifs

Les intégrer régulièrement dans son alimentation favorise :
  • le regain d’énergie
  • la vitalité
  • le bien-être
  • l’augmentation du bon cholestérol

Brain Health

As mentioned above, the DHA in oysters even makes our brain and our eyes work better. Vitamin B12 helps cell renewal, keeps the nervous system on the right track, builds red blood cells and reduces fatigue.

huître bon pour la santé

Oysters are good for you

Vitamin-Packed Oysters

Vitamin B6 keeps the immune system in good condition. Vitamin C boosts the metabolism, helps produce collagen and strengthens the immune system. Fat soluble vitamins like A, D and E keep our skin and cardiovascular system healthy. Oysters also protect our cells against harmful oxidants!

So, still wondering if oysters are good for you? The Massé Oyster Farm has known how delicious and healthy oysters are for four generations!
See you soon when you come taste our L’Oléronaise oysters!

Nutritional Information




With so many vitamins and minerals

oysters are good for you!

Oysters were eaten by the Romans and the Celts, and the Greeks farmed them. Even King Louis XIV couldn’t get enough of them. He ate them cooked.

Fine de Claire oysters are matured in the ancient salt marshes of the Marennes-Oléron region.

It's no easy task raising oysters because they need 3-5 years to fully mature before you can eat them.

All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster's autobiography.

Rendez-vous sur notre page, vous présentant l’élevage des huîtres L’Oléronaise

Cédric Massé

Farmer and Distributor



L'Oléronaise -Maison Massé